Through a Glass, Darkly

For now we see through a glass, darkly.

The tangibility of our world maintained by a fleeting reality, Obscured by illusory perception

Dark panes have always separated us from reality

Whether they be the limitations of our senses

Or the bit processes of information.

Subjectivity exists in a liminal space of unreality,

Limited by perception, ever unclear, yet we exist as embodied beings in space Anchored only by transient, ever fading memory.

Our only anchorage is further obscured as Time inexorably marches forth. A new digital world brings about a new form of existence:

A new subjectivity, one free from corporeal form,

Yet anchored still by memory, though not transient,

Not ever fading,

But rather subject to corruption, duplication, and even deletion.

Our only anchorage still obscured.

Both technological and biological processes subject to the whims of their own limitations Subjectivity reimagined.

No longer a singular embodiment,

But rather a multiplicity of identities existing all at once as time infinitely unravels itself,

Every moment creating and destroying itself in an interminable cataclysmic splendor.

And so for now, and always, We see through a glass, darkly.


And It Began To Rain